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Year R

Welcome to Year R

Days to remember

Talking Homework sent home - Monday

PE day - Thursday - please ensure earrings are removed.

Library day - Wednesday - please ensure your child has their library book in their bookbag.

Phonic flashcards sent home - Friday



Our PE day is on a Thursday. Please ensure your child continues to practise dressing and undressing themselves independently. We ask that long hair is tied back and earrings removed on this day and that your child is in school uniform that they can undress and dress themselves in. Please ensure that the PE kit contains labelled uniform of both shorts and t-shirt and a kit for colder weather as well as socks and plimsolls and trainers. 



We have our library time every Wednesday. Please make sure your child's library book is in their book bag on a Wednesday so that it can be changed. If you have not finished reading the book, please send it in and let us know so that we can renew it on the library system at this time and it does not show as overdue. 



Your child has started learning the individual letter sounds and how to blend the sounds together to read words as well as recognising each individual letter and saying its name and sound. Remember to send the phonics zippy wallet to school each day in the book bag and ensure that nothing else is stored in the wallet as they are easily damaged. If you are unsure of the sound the letters make then we have helpful videos showing the cued articulation action and the sound under the parents' section of the website.




Online Learning

Children have allocated login details for the online reading and phonics platform 'Bug Club.' You will find the link to this under the Parents tab and Useful links. The login details can be found in the back of your child's green reading diary. It might be useful to take a photograph of the login or make a note of it in case the reading diary is misplaced or lost.

Please log in with your child and support them with the allocated activities or books rather than leaving them to attempt them independently. They may need help to follow the instructions to complete the assigned learning tasks.

Please come and speak to us if you are having trouble with any of the logins or games.  

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