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School SENCo - Charlotte Saunders


Important Information

Please click the links below to read the school's SEND Information report and policy.

Parent Advice

Oakley Infant School

This information details how Oakley Infant School meets the needs of children in the school, particularly those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities and the support that is available for them and their parents. Please contact the school to meet with the SENCO or Headteacher to discuss your child’s needs and any concerns you may have.


Special Needs at Oakley Infant School

Oakley Infant School is a maintained mainstream infant school for children from 4 – 7 years.

Oakley Infant School is a Rights Respecting School, we believe that every child has the right to be educated, the right to be treated fairly and the right to be heard and have their views considered.


The Governors and staff recognise that:

  • all children are individuals, learn in different ways and have their own strengths;
  • all children should be offered a broad and relevant curriculum which is differentiated to meet their needs;
  • the variety of children’s needs should be recognised and met through flexible and varied provision;
  • parents have a vital role to play in supporting their children’s education and are encouraged to work in partnership with the school;
  • all children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) whether or not they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are welcomed in the school providing this meets with their parent’s wishes and expectations and their needs can be accommodated alongside those of the other children at the school.

All children are encouraged to take an active role in the life of the school through membership of the School Council or Focus groups and through responsibilities they assume such as the role of ‘Playground Friend’ where they are responsible for looking after the other children and making playtime a ‘Happy and Safe.’ time for all.



The SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Charlotte Saunders. She can be contacted via the school office. School staff are trained in supporting a variety of learning and special needs and can be specifically trained to meet the needs of individual children if necessary.

Some staff have specific training in Speech and Language, Dyslexia and in delivering programmes such as SIDNEY. The school has a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) who helps children to understand and regulate their emotions.



Oakley Infant school offers a welcoming environment and we always would want to talk to parents in the first instance to resolve any worries. If there are any concerns about a child we would always contact parents so that the school and the home can work together to ensure the best outcomes for the child. If you have any concerns about your child the first point of contact should be their class teacher. The SENCo can also be contacted to discuss issues around identification of needs, progress, support or transition. Any formal complaints are dealt with in line with the schools complaints policy which is available from the school office or on the website.


Further Information

Please contact the school SENCo—Charlotte Saunders.

If you require further information or signposting to  additional services. Copies of school policies on SEND, Behaviour, Equality and Learning as well as a leaflet about the SEN offer at Oakley Infant School are available from the school office or on the website. This information is part of Hampshire’s Local Offer for SEND. Further information on the Local Offer can be obtained from  or the link at the top of this page.                                         




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