British Values
The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent strategy. These values are reinforced regularly at Oakley Infant School as they run throughout our school and curriculum as part of our everyday learning. We promote British Values throughout our lessons and the values we work with are referred to on a regular basis with the children.
Pupil voice is of the upmost importance at Oakley Infant School. Pupils are always listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully and with concern to each other, respecting the right to of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through classroom discussion, PSHE Jigsaw sessions and assemblies. Pupils also have the opportunity to air their opinions and ideas through our active School Voice committee. The elections of the School Voice ambassadors are based solely on pupil votes, reflecting on our British electoral system and demonstrating democracy in action. Pupil voice is also evident during conferencing of subjects by subject leaders within the school. The children are regularly encouraged to vote to help make decisions as a class.
The rule of law
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for our pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and an empowering curriculum. Our pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise the importance of our school learning values and Golden rules which are comprehensive throughout the curriculum. The laws and rules that support the classes, school and country are reinforced though learning in PSHE, regular assemblies and whole school days. Our school rules are outlined in the behaviour policy and our children understand that actions have consequences and it is their responsibility to make the right choices. At the beginning of each school year time is spent in each class discussing the school rules and developing class rules for the safety and benefit of everyone. Each class draw up a class charter and it is displayed in each classroom with the agreement of every member of the class. The rules and the United Nation rights are regularly revisited through the PSHE curriculum, assemblies and through topic based opportunities. Elements of the History curriculum also enable children to explore the roles of law and authority in the past and present, for example studying the Gunpowder Plot and learning about Queens through the ages. Children are encouraged to keep the Golden Rules in order to take part in Golden Time and Golden Time may be reduced as a consequence of not making a right choice.
We are proud of our local community; the church and the services that the community provides. We are fortunate to welcome our local Reverend throughout the year as part of our assembly timetable.
Individual Liberty
We encourage our children to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment to enable them to do this. Children are continually encouraged to make the right choices by all adults working in school and praise and recognition is given to the children demonstrating our Golden Rules. Through our Jigsaw PSHE lessons we discuss different choices they may make and the consequences of those actions. We encourage independent thinking and the children are not afraid to ask or answer questions. Lessons encourage children to work in a group and have their say. They are happy to agree and disagree with their peers and give reasons why. Our pupils have the freedom to make choices about how they work and what they will learn. We encourage independent thinking through our learning values which encourages the children to develop curiosity, collaboration, creativity, to be ready and resourceful, reflective and to reflect on their learning and the choices they have made. The importance of making safe choices when using the internet is explored regularly through the Computing curriculum on E safety. Our E Safety week in the Spring term provides further opportunity to consolidate this learning and this is reinforced again in the Summer Term within our 'Safety week' and online lessons provided by an external company. The PSHE curriculum allow the children to express themselves and make choices in a safe environment. The children have a number of extra- curricular activities that they can choose to be part of including a lunchtime club for sports.
Mutual respect
At Oakley Infant School, we are proud of our school values. Our whole school ethos is built around mutual respect and the understanding that all pupils have the rights and responsibilities and are citizens of Oakley Infant school and the wider community. We are an inclusive school where everyone is valued and has a contribution to make to the school. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others through the exploration of the United Nations Convention of Rights for the Child. Our behaviour policy encourages children to respect themselves and each other. Respectful behaviour is taught from an early age beginning with the introduction of the British Values in the Autumn Term and the introduction of 'Mutual Respect'. All adults model respectful behaviour and the children are encouraged to show respect for themselves, their peers, adults and their school community. The children develop the understanding that we all share different beliefs and begin to respect the values, ideas and beliefs of others, whilst not enforcing our own on others. Collaboration is encouraged and valued and is evident in relationships with the children, staff and parents.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
This is promoted through every aspect of school life. Jigsaw PSHE and RE lessons equip children with an understanding of different faiths and beliefs and the values which different religions hold. Children are taught to respect each other and welcome differences and learn from them. The children at Oakley Infant School have adopted the phrase 'It's OK to be different' and this has become our mantra when developing our understanding of Equality and diversity.
Assemblies are planned to give children the opportunity to reflect on a variety of beliefs, cultures and moral values. The RE curriculum is planned carefully to allow opportunities for discussion about people’s diverse and different beliefs.
The PSHE and RE lessons are supported by;
* Our Jigsaw PSHE scheme, particularly through the ‘Celebrating differences’ jigsaw piece
* Regular assemblies
* Visitors
* Visits to the local church to learn about different faiths
Children understand that children learn in different ways and that they may need more support to help them access the learning.
Our anti-bullying policy also supports children learning to celebrate differences and work together. We participate in an anti-bullying event annually and the children attend in odd socks to signify that ‘everyone is special and everyone is different’. Tolerance and an understanding of different faiths is experienced and taught and children are given the opportunity to learn and understand different cultures through many areas including PSHE, Music, Dance, English, Art, History and Religious Education.
We help them to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.