The PE and Sport Premium is funding provided to schools in addition to main school funding. This fund is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent to develop or add to PE, physical activity and sport and to ensure that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles.
Schools receive PE and Sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in Y1 and Year 2. Funding for the school is calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils as recorded in the annual schools census each January. During 2020-2021, Oakley Infant School received a PE and School Sport Premium of £17,170.
Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity may include encouraging active play during break and lunch times and establishing, extending or funding attendance of school sport clubs and activities and holiday clubs, or broadening the variety offered.
It is for schools to decide how the PE and Sport funding is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made to enhance the provision for PE in school. Schools are to be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding, ensuring additional and sustainable improvements are made to the quality of PE and sport they offer.