Home Page

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Here you will find information about Willow and Hazel classes and be able to see all the exciting things we have been doing. Please visit our page often to keep up to date with what we have been doing.


Talking homework - Monday

Maths homework - Tested on Monday and new homework given out on Tuesday


Library - Monday

Please bring in your library book every week. 


P.E. - Monday & Wednesday

Earrings must be taken out for these days.


Year 2's Got Talent (one child each week) - Friday 



Summer 1: That sinking feeling

This term is a real highlight to our year. We will learn all about the sinking of the Titanic and the events leading to the disaster. More importantly, we will explore how this event changed sea travel and safety forever! We will conclude our topic with a trip to SeaCity in Southampton. 

SeaCity museum

Spring 2: The adventures of Flat Stanley

This term we will be exploring our world. We will focus on one continent per week, exploring culture, traditions and human and physical landmarks. We will look at the oceans and where they are on the Earth. We will learn about the equator and how climates vary across the world. 

Spring 1: Up, up and away

This term we are learning about 2 role models from the past: Amy Johnson and Neil Armstrong. We will be exploring their achievements and debating who was the most influential. What do you think?


Autumn 2: The Great fire of London


This term we are exploring the Great fire of London, focusing on the reasons for the fire, the events that took place during the fire and the changes that were made as a result of it. The children will enjoy a 'Great Fire of London experience day' led by an outside team and will explore the topic through a range of exciting activities such as creating a fiery art collage and writing their own 1666 diary. 

Autumn 1: Oakley Under Investigation


This term we are investigating the geography and history of Oakley. We are looking forward to finding out more about where we live. If you have any personal knowledge of the history of the village, please let us know! We would love to hear from you.

Where is Traction Man?

Mental Health Day

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