Home Page

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Here you will find information about Willow and Hazel classes and be able to see all the exciting things we have been doing. Please visit our page often to keep up to date with what we have been doing.

Year 2 information evening slides


Talking homework - Monday

Maths homework - Tested on Monday and new homework given out on Tuesday

Grammar Overview- Monday


Library - Monday

Please bring in your library book every week. 


P.E. - Monday & Wednesday

Earrings must be taken out for these days.


Year 2's Got Talent (one child each week) - Friday 

Spelling quiz and new spellings sent home- Friday



Welcome to Year 2 2024! We are so excited to work with you. We will update this page termly with topic information and photos for you to enjoy. Please ask if you have any questions.

Autumn 1: Oakley Under Investigation


This term we are investigating the geography and history of Oakley. We are looking forward to finding out more about where we live. If you have any personal knowledge of the history of the village, please let us know! We would love to hear from you.

Traction Man walk around Oakley!

Autumn 2: Fire! Fire!


This term we are exploring the Great Fire of London. We will discover what caused the fire to spread so quickly and how this changed the way that we now build houses. We will understand that events from the past can have an impact on the way that we do things today. We will also link this to our Science topic about materials.

Odd socks day!

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